Sunday, January 10, 2010

First REAL post

Things are going great in the Binns home right now! Well, maybe great is a little overzealous, but getting better now that the holidays are over, we just finished our bout with a pretty nasty cold and it is SUPPOSED to start warming up tomorrow!!!! We hope! The kids are moving on with life. Mike is getting ready to start another semester of school and is doing great in his efforts to live healthier (I can't say the same for myself...but I am going to do it...starting next week!) AliEmme is doing well in school, she has a violin solo this month and is also participating the school spelling bee. John is back in swimming and getting excited for baseball coming up in a couple of months. He is doing pretty good in school, we just have to keep up on his school requirements. Hannah is still on my mind frequently. Becca loves Barbie movies and books, recently on a trip to the library I checked out a book and as I was reading it, I remembered it being a book that was one of Hannah's favorites, so I bought it. It is called "Dress up day", anyway as I was reading it for the umpteenth time, Becca said "That's Becca (pointing to Stacie the littlest girl), and that's Hannah (pointing to Kelly the young girl) and thats AieEmme (pointing to Barbie). I was caught a little off guard that she made those parallels, the ages were about right, although Barbie is a little older than AliEmme, and I am sure that if there had been a baby Sarah would have been in there too. I am just glad that Hannah is in her heart still, and she seems to understand that she is her sister. Becca is doing great, she is fully potty trained and is quite determined to catch up with her older brothers on bike riding. Her training wheels are still on, but I bet she will have them off before she is three or very soon there after! Sarah is still a sweetheart. She had one difficult night a couple of days ago when she was fussy from 2:30 a.m. until about 5:00 a.m. because of her cold. But she is much better now...and now that I am getting some sleep we are all much better! Speaking of sleep...I had better head off, but I will do a better job updating next time and will post more pictures!

We've finally joined the blogging world!!!

This is our first foray into the world of blogging! We sort of blogged on Hannah's site, but I felt that the caringbridge site was for her and our journey through her illness and our journey dealing with her passing. This will be for our entire family...of course including Hannah and how she still does come up in our daily doings as a ray of sunshine even on our cold and cloudy days!